Here are the future steps coming to McAI.
STEP 1. Automation of incentives
As the beta version supports the "continue" on-chain feature which makes the player spend 1000 $McAI to continue the game, we'll still disitribute the rewards manually. Automation will be the first part to our way to our 2.0 McAI version.
STEP 2. Integrate skins and in-game extras
A shop with a new in-game currency will allow players to buy extra benefits to the game.
Some products will be available to be bought with $McAI.
STEP 3. More games to come
Adding progressively more games will allow McAI to keep interest from its players.
Leaderboard will then be based on the scores of all the available games. It will calculate each player's score as follow : (Score Game 1) + (Score Game 2) + (Score Game X) = Total Score.
NB : if a player doesn't play one or several games for a week's season, its score for this or these games will be automatically set to 0.
STEP 4. Ability for the player to create their own McDonald's-based games
Once everything will be configured, we'll implement a built-in feature allowing people to create their own games in minuts. Every month, they can submit their creations to $McAI holders, to make it online for the next month.
Last updated